Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Raid Leaders > everyone else

OK, I've been saving up this bitchfest and I'll see if I can get it out before work.

If you are not the raid leader you do NOT have the right to call out on voicechat bitching to everyone else. I don't care if you used to lead raids in the past, you can shove your qualifications up your ass. If our main raid leader (IE Guild Mistress's hubby) is there, you do not have the right to call out anyone not doing their job. In fact if you're not listed as the raid leader in the little calendar thingy- you do not have the right to bitch or call out anyone. You have been talked to before about your addon that called out people who failed at frogger (which was the funny the first 2 times), you've been told that your abrasive nasty attitude is the reason people won't run with you.

I usually end up in tells with one person not familiar with my anti "Turdhead*" tells during raids that he tries to become de-facto raid leader on. I don't think there is one person yet who thinks this guy is NOT a dick.

I know of at least 4 people who have gone to the leadership and said "We will not raid if "Turdhead" is leading." Suddenly he's not leading, and I don't think that we were the only 4 who said something. I'm just not savvy enough to be in every social circle within our guild.

We are not hardcore, we are not that type of raiding guild. We are friends and hugs and do not treat everything like it's a motherfucking job. People can have RL shit and have to go and it's OK. You can occasionally no show and it's cool. You can disappear for weeks and when you sign up again we'll throw you in a raid slot.

We are not hardcore even after "Turdhead's" efforts to make us so. I don't care how frustrated you are that we are not progressing... you do NOT EVER take it out on guildies when they fail. We are not that guild you stupid motherfucker.

You do NOT EVER call out the healers as the problem when it's an offtank getting critted... because guess what thats his fault, not ours. You do not coordinate heals...EVER. We have a channel for that and we handle it there, you know this, you have a FUCKING HEALING ALT WHO IS IN THE CHANNEL!!!!!

So "Turdhead" remove that stick from your ass and calm down. Or alternatively, die in a fucking fire and fuck you, from the bottom of my heart.

*names have been changed to prevent teh dramas

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