Friday, December 11, 2009

Mimiron and 3.3 goodness

So last raid week (remember how I told you our raid weeks are weird? this was just last monday) we approached Mimiron with trepidation and a few of the more experienced raiders adjusting our shorts and expecting a wipe night.

I was even in tells with "Turdhead" and we both agreed on the outcome of the night. We figured that the raid wouldn't know what hit them, and it was going to be a wipe/learn-fest.

I say in party chat (not raid) to my husband, the raid leader, the guild leader and one of our awesome DPS, "If we get to phase 3 I'll shit myself." Hubbys seconds previous statement of "If we get to phase 3 *I'll* tank the command module" wasn't without it's irony. He is a hunter.

If you haven't seen the videos go watch a regular Mimiron strat video, he looks hard. all these phases that do different things and require people to think and move and OH FUCK THERE IS AN OMNOMNOMNOM MISSILE POINTED AT ME!

I love my guild, I am in it for the people, not to progress in raids or get loot. Those are benefits, but even if this guild didn't raid I would still be with them. We have rules of conduct, and only one of them chafes me. Many people in the guild know eachother in some way. We've had to limit ourselves to friends only invites and we're hovering at the max member count at all times. As such, typically in our raids you have 10-15 people who watch themselves and know what the hell they're doing. The others are being carried and will generally stand in fire, or cause a wipe now and then as they are not as aware of their surroundings, or what is going on.

1st try what do we do? Get to phase 3.

4th try, we kill him.

I was completely blown away..... I think even "Turdhead" was speechless.

So we saved the ID for this weeks raids.... 3.3 killed the raid save... buh-bye progress.

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