Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Just wanted to put it out there that it's been hard to get motivated to post anything this week, and apologize to anyone who's reading (or I am apologizing to myself for letting myself down... hrmm narcissistic much?).

We did Ony this week (technically our raid weeks are weird, it was last Thursday) and for once I felt completely useless. I was coordinating heals for a fight I've only been a grunt healer on. We started off the signups with 8 or 9, but ended up with 7 showing up, with 2 of those either being an alt or very new to the fight.

4th attempt is when I lose my alt healer from my pool of healing.... I'm now down to 6 because apparently the DPS wasn't doing their job and they needed her to help kill the big bad dwagon.

So on each pull we were damn near guaranteed to be down to 5 by the time Ony hits the air. Not naming names, but I saw a fail angel alot... maybe not exactly by the first phase, but certainly by the time the big flamey breath weapon struck.

Here's a fucking hint... the raid leader (or my husband, having the duty handed off to him mid-fuckall run) was calling out WHERE IT WAS WAS SAFE TO STAND.... "North and south are safe" "Sides are safe" "NE and SW" "Outside the goddamn zone". So maybe you should get a clue from that... don't stand in the middle of the fucking room and try to soak up the flames because you needed a goddamned tan. This is not survivable, so FUCKING MOVE instead of showing off your fail angel each and every attempt.

I refuse to name names, since I do love this woman dearly, but maybe Ony was not the first raid you should have come back from Hiatus on.

Oh and next time you go into Ony's room and notice a vague spacegoat shaped pattern of blood spatters on the floor thats starting to tile the room... pay it no mind, we finally killed her Sunday, but the 6 or 7 attempts on Thursday left me wondering when she was going to buy me dinner and what I did with my KY.

1 comment:

  1. This is not a comment connected to your post (which I enjoyed by the way, also compared to Ony's old style deep breath the current one is a walk in the park - if the park was on fire - so there's no excuse for standing in fire) but rather to your comments to poor old Snotty, from whose awesome blog I stalked you here.

    I'm afraid your comment there left me rather bewildered and I thought I'd better take it up with you directly rather than leave it up to Snotty, who would inevitably think you were just jealous of her leet healing skillz, or something like that anyway.

    Having frowned worriedly over your comment, I was wondering if perhaps you meant why somebody who purportedly went to Oxford would indulge themselves with such a cheap and silly parody - but, actually, I have to admit I'm secretly rather fond of Snotty. I wouldn't normally link to my own posts on someone else's blog as it looks rather rude and narcissistic but I'm not sure if you saw the original post that inspired the creation of Snottydin? It's here: http://www.righteousorbs.com/?p=915, and perhaps it will help you judge my taste for the frivolous a little less harshly :)

    Also truthfully one of the many pleasures of Snottydin is the involvement of the blogsphere - I love it when people send me posts for her And actually I might even claim she's a useful device for blowing off steam. But anyway, I'm sorry for the epic comment. I know my sense of the absurd doesn't appeal to everyone but I wouldn't like Snotty to be causing too much public anguish :)
