Friday, November 6, 2009

Open Letter to Blizzard Dev's (Part 1)

I don't know how many parts that this will have, but this is my first in a series of open letters to the Blizz developers.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Patch 3.3 you are going to add in a new feature to Report Lag.

Really? WTF is wrong with you? No I'm serious... I'll wait here for your response.

You are giving this functionality to everyone, I'm assuming to improve the servers. On one hand it looks fantastic on paper. Lets see who has the worst lag and we'll upgrade those servers first, etc. OK- I can see that.

But in reality you are giving problem players a way to harass you, and the rest of the server. You are giving this to every douchebag who persists in typing in /2 Anal (insert ability name here). You are giving this to people who can barely find the "on" button on their computers. You are giving this to people who should be chemically castrated for how STUPID they are. You are giving this to players who have no sense of reality and think that all of their problems are someone else's fault. None of these people are going to listen to a reasonable answer, if in fact you or your employees are going to respond to each of these incidents.

Instead what you are going to be doing it giving them an "ADD LAG" button to their UI. That right.. all of these individuals will report lagginess when their addon's, internet connection, computer, etc. is at fault. Because as each of these rolls in, it will stress the server. As each player says in trade "Hey I just reported Lag. I wanted to see how it worked. HAHAHAHA" more people will do it. Our servers are already stressed to the point where you had to make our instances boil over onto more open servers in our battlegroups, and you have just added to the stress level for all of the extra data you will have to mine and process.

The only way that this could even remotely work is to only trust people with this button who have more than two braincells. Unfortunately there is no script in the world that can recognize this, and you have just mastered being complete twits about any problem that may actually exist.

Congrats Blizzard for a complete fuckup of an idea. Go back to the drawing board.

P.S. Every person and their mother lags in Dalaran unless they are playing on stupidly overpowered supercomputers. Are we ALL supposed to report lag when we hit Dalaran. Great way to crash the server.

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