Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Turdhead" vs. Us.

So once again "Turdhead" has been at it recently. Lets call him "Tweak" from now on... it fits, and it's fucking shorter.

So two weeks ago Tweak decides to speak up on a 25 man. On the second attempt at Beasts in ToC. This was not a Guildleader/Guildleader-Hubby run, and he is oh-so much worse on the ones that are sans them.

Don't get me wrong, we very much HAVE progressed past this stage of ToC, we just still run it for shits and giggles, and gearing alts much to my dismay... I have yet to be able to take Toire on one of these runs, yet we'll let someone in FULL blues and greens go? Damn at least Toire had a few pieces of purple shit.

Anyway. Tweak gets pissy when not everyone is on the Snobolds. Typically he says something, but never calls someone out by name. Second attempt, he calls someone out by name, one of our newer members no less. Midfight hubby speaks up in voicechat telling the ACTUAL RAID LEADER to replace him. Tweak not being the ACTUAL RAID LEADER needs to be made very clear here. Now me healing, yes I'm sure that they could replace me, but he did tone it down after that.. in fact I think he might have even gotten the message (*finally*) in a way other than a blatant /tell "Hey dumbass tone it the fuck down ok?"

So he proceeds to spend the rest of the night not really commenting too much and I stay on to let the other healers know what happened. We have a channel, and no I'm not going to type it out here, we don't need strangers in it TYVFM. Anyway, hubby drops and I get slammed with "Is he ok?" and variants of, because at this stage we're maybe 20mins into raid time. One of our healers that night knew what was going on (she's been suffering through our bitching about Tweak for months) and told them, as well as me.

Basically, no he's fine, he just hates Tweak. Tweak is being an asshole on point tonight and he won't put up with it.

This is the first time I admit to a channel of people (with humbers greater than say... 5) that Ian -hubby- and I have issues with Tweak. To my absolute and utter surprise, most of the inhabitants of the channel either sympathized or bitched right along with me.

Now around this time I was coming to the realization that my mental health was being taxed by the consistent failed attempts on Marrowgar (25), Tweak's attitude, and my usual 6-9month raiding burnout period. I decided that it was time to step away from the raiding portion of playing for awhile in lieu of other ways to... I dunno actually have some damn FUN in the game.

Raiding can be fun, when it's not treated like a goddamn job. Luckily I even had the opportunity to say this in guild chat directed at Tweak. Yes folks, I actually got a chance to smack him down a little bit.

Yesterday I got pulled into a supah secretly organized through texts ubah 10man raid. Our weekly this week was Marrowgar, and damned if I was going to see him go down again in 25 this week. We've killed him... one time. Notably on my last ICC raid before my hiatus... Irony much?

So I went on 10 man. No Tweak, only people who actually wanted to have fun. I got to talking to Guildleaders-hubby and to my astonishment... even our very fogiving, lovable Guildmistress has noticed Tweaks attitude and mentioned it. From the gist of the conversation, she's wondering if he has a mental condition that requires him to be an asshole when he sits behind the keyboard... no that was just me. She did wonder openly if something was wrong with him. The other was me projecting what that "wrong" was.

Ian and I have met Tweak IRL... along with 19-20 other people from our guild for our annual get together and get shitfaced drunk vacation. OK thats just me, but there are usually copius amounts of alcohol involved, especially when last year took us to Dallas, and one of our Guildies owns a tequila bar there.

Tweak is not an asshole in real life... I'm not going to say he's a fantastic guy, but he's certainly not the asshole IRL that he is in game. I even joked with said Guildleader-hubby that his mic must be faulty, adding the asshole factor to his voice in raid chat.

I don't know... I've ben slated for ICC 25 this week. I just couldn't pass by the signup without saying I'd be happy to be on standby.... I guess I had honestly hoped that they wouldn't need me. Which is both good and bad I guess. Good for my ego, bad for my hiatus, and bad for us progression wise until others get better damn gear.

And there is your long ranty post for the next week or so. I'm sure I'll have more fodder after Monday's raid.

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